Your Break Between Classes

University of Connecticut Men’s Basketball Team Visit The White House in Celebration of their 2024 NCAA Championship Title.

Sabrina McCrear | 101 Magazine

University of Connecticut Men’s Basketball team and their coach Dan Hurley pose next to President Joe Biden in the East Room of the White House (Courtesy/101 Mag – Jordyn Britton)

On Tuesday, Sep. 10, President Joseph R. Biden welcomed the University of Connecticut’s Men’s Basketball team led by Coach Dan Hurley to the East Room of The White House once again to celebrate another NCAA Championship title. 

The team and coaching staff entered the reception hall, followed by head coach Dan Hurley and President Biden. The President began his opening remarks as the room was still buzzing with applause. He continued to energize the crowd by welcoming back the Huskies and inciting another round of boisterous cheers and applause.

“Let me be the first to say, welcome back. I won’t be here next year, but you may be if these guys over here have anything to do with it,” said The President addressing head coach Dan Hurley.

This visit marked the Husky’s second time being invited to the White House as all NCAA championship teams do following a tournament win. 

Secretary of Education and University of Connecticut alumnus Miguel Cardona was also in attendance amongst the audience of UConn’s friends and fans. 

“It’s great to have so many UConn friends and fans here today with us, including Education Secretary Miguel Cardona,” said President Biden. “You know, Miguel is a slow learner. He has four degrees of credentials from UConn. I told him that equals one from Delaware. No, only kidding,” he said clarifying after poking fun at the Secretary of Education, referencing The First Lady’s ama matter—The University of Delaware.

The President finished his opening remarks by acknowledging the members of Congress in attendance, including Senator Richard Blumenthal, Senator Richard Murphy and former Senator from Connecticut, Senator Chris Dodd.

Following opening remarks President Biden transitioned to focusing on the Husky’s accomplishments.

 After a regular season loss against Villanova University in January 2020, head coach Dan Hurley said, “People better get us now. That’s all.” 

Over the last four seasons, the UConn Huskies have regained their spot at the pinnacle of men’s collegiate basketball, winning back-to-back NCAA championship titles in 2023 and 2024. 

“People questioned whether or not you had the talent to go back-to-back, I guess they didn’t see you guys standing up, man,” joked The President, again.

President Biden continued praising the team’s accomplishments referencing their previous wins.

“We know that together, you capped off one of the most successful two-year runs in the history of the sport, ushering in a new era of UConn’s men’s basketball, passing the likes of Duke and Indiana for all-time national titles, and now there’s no doubt at all about who are the blue bloods of basketball,” said the President.

President Biden also noted the four, former Huskies who participated in the 2024 NBA draft, teasing, “There’s clearly something – you must have something in the water up there, man.”

When passing the podium to head coach Dan Hurley, the President left the group with some final quips before acknowledging Coach Hurley.

“Coach, you’ve said that UConn has been running college basketball for 30 years. With you at the helm, I think they better get ready for another 30,” he said.

When Head Coach Dan Hurley took to the podium he was admittedly nervous to address the crowd.

“I’ve been to the White House before. It is scary as s***,” exclaimed the two-time NCAA championship-winning coach.  

His unintentional profanity prompted lighthearted laughter from his team, event attendees and even Mr. President. 

When discussing their multi-tournament winning season, the coach made clear that the team’s goal was not only to win games but to win at everything. 

“Our goal, really, going into the year, we knew we had the potential to have a special team,” said Hurley.  “It was like a real simple mindset that we were trying to create…like, let’s just win everything.”

He kept his team, their notable season and his plans for the organization’s future at the forefront of his messaging. His closing remarks also mentioned a potential third consecutive NCAA championship title. 

“You know, our focus again is quickly turning to our pursuit of this third national championship in a row potentially,” said Hurley, prompting a room-shaking round of applause from the audience.

Following the boisterous crowd reaction to the mention of a third championship win, Head Coach Dan Hurley and his team presented the President with a University of Connecticut jersey.

Following the speeches and the presentation of the jersey, President Biden posed with Coach Hurley and the rest of the University of Connecticut’s team while friends, family and press took photos.

Jordyn Britton

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